GiS Family Festival 2024 – All Welcome!

Here we are, Fall slowly shows up and Halloween’s month will bring an exciting celebration marked by fun and joy! Like in previous years, our Family Festival appears to be one of the best opportunities for families to interact with our locality. International food tasting, fun games, raffles (always with great prizes!), and live music from the US Navy will be held on October 13, 2024, from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Our Family Festival takes place on the same day as “The Jiyugaoka Goddess Festival” or “Jiyugaoka Megami Matsuri” (自由が丘女神祭り). This festival is a well-known event hosted in the Jiyugaoka neighborhood of Tokyo. It has a long tradition and celebrates the local community, its businesses, and its vibrant culture. The goddess theme likely symbolizes beauty, creativity, and prosperity, as the festival often features street performances, music, and a variety of food stalls.

Our GIS Family Festival combined with the vibrant atmosphere of the neighborhood is an amazing opportunity for the kids to understand and learn about our community, other nationalities, and try delicious international dishes! It’s also a great time for parents to share their experiences with each other!

Admission is free for everyone including prospective parents. So please come and join us!

We are excited to welcome you!

秋が徐々に深まり、ハロウィーンの月はたくさんのワクワクを連れてきます! GISのファミリー・フェスティバルもまた、この10月に開催されます。このイベントは毎年、みなさんが自由が丘のコミュニティと交流する絶好の機会となっているようです。各国料理、楽しいゲーム、ラッフル(すてきな景品が当たるかも!) 、そしてUSネイビーからバンドをお招きしておりますので、雰囲気満点の生演奏もお楽しみいただくことができます。10月13日(金)、午前11時半から午後4時まで。どうぞ皆様お誘い合わせの上、お立ち寄りください!

私たちのファミリー・フェスティバルは、 ‘自由が丘 女神まつり‘と同じ日に行われます。このお祭りは今年で50回目を数える大イベントで、自由が丘の地元コミュニティやそのビジネス、活気ある文化を称えています。女神は美、創造性、繁栄を象徴しているのでしょう。このお祭りではストリートパフォーマンスや音楽、さまざまな屋台でにぎわいます。



Come and join us!