GREGG International School third grade (G/3) offers students a program grounded in a firm understanding of their developmental needs. GiS Grade 3 curriculum inspires students to take responsibility for their learning through discovery, exploration, and reflection in a safe and nurturing learning environment.
Within the balanced literacy framework, students engage in activities that promote participation in order to improve mathematics skills as well as reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency through use of a variety of literature selections.
Introduce more advanced mathematical concepts. Numbers between 1-10,000 are studied, while the students learn to recognize and understand the values, quantities and relationships among the digits within a base system. Four-digit addition and subtraction are practiced, and multiplication facts for numbers 1-10 are committed to memory by applying them to common daily activities and problems requiring quantitative solutions.
Fractions, time, graphs, money, measurement and geometry are elaborated. For example, students perform exercises in which parts of a whole are expressed as fractions; gain understanding of the patterns of relationships between units of time; work on projects involving the creation of various kinds of simple graphs to communicate quantitative information; and engage in practical activities using customary units of measurement (metric and U.S. standard) of distance and weight. Likewise, these practical mathematical activities and exercises help the students to assimilate critical skills important for correctly organizing and interpreting numerical data, the voluminous output of which seemingly increasing all the time.
Embark on a mission to put into practice the knowledge and techniques learned in earlier reading classes for comprehending written information. Learn to vary the way to read different stories and articles, depending on the content and reading purpose. Encourage independent use of the various available resources for understanding the meaning of the written language.
Reading comprehension derived from phonics, context clues and structural analysis leads students to discover how rewarding it is to possess the utility and gain the satisfaction of a higher level of literacy. Such an acquired skill allows for discussion of significant aspects to the literature read. Discussions are structured not only to ensure comprehension of the main ideas, details, themes, plots, settings and characters, but also to provide the opportunity to critically appraise the inherent meanings and implications in the stories.
Begin to establish a synthesis of rhetoric and syntax in compositions. Awareness of the different kinds of, and purposes to, writing has evolved to the point where a sensitivity emerges to alter the style of writing to suit different audiences, in different situations. The advancement of writing proficiency is supplemented by “writing conferences,” in which revision techniques are expanded to include clarification, nuance and organization of main ideas and details.
Delving more deeply into the world of writing opens up a means for personal reflection, while also witnessing firsthand the power of the written work on readers. The maintaining of a portfolio of writings documents the improvement in the grammatical and rhetorical aspects to composing, while also capturing personal trends in thinking with regard to topics personally chosen to write about. There is also a chronicling of thoughts on such themes.
Abilities to inquire intelligently about the surrounding natural world have progressed to the degree where students perform experiments that adhere to the general requirements of scientific investigation. Close observation of phenomena and corresponding written records immerse the students in the scientific process, thereby providing firsthand experience in the production of scientific knowledge.
Possible subjects for investigation could be the living matter that occupies a particular habitat. Careful study would include observing the differences and similarities in behavior among the species, relative locations of the species and the various rates of growth for the species. Active involvement in scientific endeavors is intellectually challenging and physically invigorating.
Embark on a mission to understand the temporal, spatial and social forces that produce communities. Studying the history and geography of selected communities and their inhabitants provides a foundation for understanding how events over time, in a particular place affect the current condition of a community.
Attention is paid to institutions that emerge in various communities, as well as the differences and similarities among the communities that have been studied. An intensive focus on communities imparts the knowledge that a successful community emanates only from concerted, responsible actions by its members.
Refine the means and expand the range of aesthetic expression as artistic skills improve. Fine arts activities provide the challenge of producing creative works requiring the expression of personal ideas and emotions in unique and novel ways. Projects involving the visual arts, dramatic presentations and musical recitals engage the students in worthwhile exercises that stimulate creativity and help them learn to apply critical thinking skills in contexts other than those of a verbal or numerical nature.
Learning new ways of interpreting and expressing ideas and emotions can provide inspiration to try innovative and inventive methods for dealing with problems that otherwise don’t respond to conventional solutions.
Plenty of opportunities to develop and maintain physical fitness through a variety of activities involving individual and team sports, while also having time for free play in which to create their own games. The time spent outdoors provides a wonderful setting for children to be themselves, an important, but often neglected, part of a truly comprehensive education aspiring to meet all of the needs in a developing child.
Ample computer time each week. In addition to keyboard practice and Internet searches, the students have the latest software that complements and enhances other curricular areas such as reading and writing, and science. Computer lab offers valuable experience in developing technical expertise, as well as broadening the knowledge base, through a trans-disciplinary approach to learning.
Learn how numbers make the world go around.
Create a reader and a writer in every child.
Learn science by doing, building and exploring.
Travel and learn about the world from your classroom.
Learn how to develop creativity: the spice of life.
Learn to share original and unique ideas of the world.
Steps done with heart, soul, mind & strength
Daycare Service
GiS Lunch Box
GiS Bus
- 8:45 : Greeting
- 9:00-9:40 : Language Arts
- 9:40-10:20 : Math
- 10:20-10:40 : Snack Time
- 10:40-11:20 : Science
- 11:20-12:00 : Social Studies
- 12:00-13:00 : Lunch Time / Recess
- 13:00-13:40 : Japanese / Music
- 13:40-14:20 : PE
- 14:00-14:30 : Class reading / Discussion
- 14:20-15:00 : Math Challenge / Reading Trophy